
class moderngl.TextureArray#

An Array Texture is a Texture where each mipmap level contains an array of images of the same size.

Array textures may have Mipmaps, but each mipmap in the texture has the same number of levels.

A TextureArray object cannot be instantiated directly, it requires a context. Use Context.texture_array() to create one.


Context.texture_array(size: Tuple[int, int, int], components: int, data: Optional[Any] = None, *, alignment: int = 1, dtype: str = 'f1') moderngl.TextureArray

Create a TextureArray object.

  • size (tuple) – The (width, height, layers) of the texture.

  • components (int) – The number of components 1, 2, 3 or 4.

  • data (bytes) – Content of the texture. The size must be (width, height * layers) so each layer is stacked vertically.

Keyword Arguments
  • alignment (int) – The byte alignment 1, 2, 4 or 8.

  • dtype (str) – Data type.


Texture3D object


TextureArray.read(*, alignment: int = 1) bytes#

Read the pixel data as bytes into system memory.

Keyword Arguments

alignment (int) – The byte alignment of the pixels.



TextureArray.read_into(buffer: Any, *, alignment: int = 1, write_offset: int = 0) None#

Read the content of the texture array into a bytearray or Buffer.

The advantage of reading into a Buffer is that pixel data does not need to travel all the way to system memory:

# Reading pixel data into a bytearray
data = bytearray(8)
texture = ctx.texture((2, 2, 2), 1)

# Reading pixel data into a buffer
data = ctx.buffer(reserve=8)
texture = ctx.texture((2, 2, 2), 1)

buffer (Union[bytearray, Buffer]) – The buffer that will receive the pixels.

Keyword Arguments
  • alignment (int) – The byte alignment of the pixels.

  • write_offset (int) – The write offset.

TextureArray.write(data: Any, viewport: Optional[Union[Tuple[int, int, int], Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]]] = None, *, alignment: int = 1) None#

Update the content of the texture array from byte data or a moderngl Buffer.

The viewport can be used for finer control of where the data should be written in the array. The valid versions are:

# Writing multiple layers from the begining of the texture
texture.write(data, viewport=(width, hight, num_layers))

# Writing sub-sections of the array
texture.write(data, viewport=(x, y, layer, width, height, num_layers))

Like with other texture types we can also use bytes or Buffer as a source:

# Using a moderngl buffer
data = ctx.buffer(reserve=8)
texture = ctx.texture_array((2, 2, 2), 1)

# Using byte data from system memory
data = b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
texture = ctx.texture_array((2, 2, 2), 1)
  • data (bytes) – The pixel data.

  • viewport (tuple) – The viewport.

Keyword Arguments

alignment (int) – The byte alignment of the pixels.

TextureArray.bind_to_image(unit: int, read: bool = True, write: bool = True, level: int = 0, format: int = 0) None#

Bind a texture to an image unit (OpenGL 4.2 required).

This is used to bind textures to image units for shaders. The idea with image load/store is that the user can bind one of the images in a Texture to a number of image binding points (which are separate from texture image units). Shaders can read information from these images and write information to them, in ways that they cannot with textures.

It’s important to specify the right access type for the image. This can be set with the read and write arguments. Allowed combinations are:

  • Read-only: read=True and write=False

  • Write-only: read=False and write=True

  • Read-write: read=True and write=True

format specifies the format that is to be used when performing formatted stores into the image from shaders. format must be compatible with the texture’s internal format. By default the format of the texture is passed in. The format parameter is only needed when overriding this behavior.

Note that we bind the texture array as layered to make all the layers accessible. This can be updated to map single layers in the future.

More information:

  • unit (int) – Specifies the index of the image unit to which to bind the texture

  • texture (moderngl.Texture) – The texture to bind

Keyword Arguments
  • read (bool) – Allows the shader to read the image (default: True)

  • write (bool) – Allows the shader to write to the image (default: True)

  • level (int) – Level of the texture to bind (default: 0).

  • format (int) – (optional) The OpenGL enum value representing the format (defaults to the texture’s format)

TextureArray.build_mipmaps(base: int = 0, max_level: int = 1000) None#

Generate mipmaps.

This also changes the texture filter to LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, LINEAR (Will be removed in 6.x)

Keyword Arguments
  • base (int) – The base level

  • max_level (int) – The maximum levels to generate

TextureArray.use(location: int = 0) None#

Bind the texture to a texture unit.

The location is the texture unit we want to bind the texture. This should correspond with the value of the sampler2DArray uniform in the shader because samplers read from the texture unit we assign to them:

# Define what texture unit our two sampler2DArray uniforms should represent
program['texture_a'] = 0
program['texture_b'] = 1
# Bind textures to the texture units

location (int) – The texture location/unit.

TextureArray.release() None#

Release the ModernGL object.


TextureArray.repeat_x: bool#

The x repeat flag for the texture (Default True).


# Enable texture repeat (GL_REPEAT)
texture.repeat_x = True

# Disable texture repeat (GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
texture.repeat_x = False


TextureArray.repeat_y: bool#

The y repeat flag for the texture (Default True).


# Enable texture repeat (GL_REPEAT)
texture.repeat_y = True

# Disable texture repeat (GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
texture.repeat_y = False


TextureArray.filter: Tuple[int, int]#

The minification and magnification filter for the texture.

(Default (moderngl.LINEAR. moderngl.LINEAR))


texture.filter == (moderngl.NEAREST, moderngl.NEAREST)
texture.filter == (moderngl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, moderngl.LINEAR)
texture.filter == (moderngl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, moderngl.NEAREST)
texture.filter == (moderngl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, moderngl.NEAREST)


TextureArray.swizzle: str#

The swizzle mask of the texture (Default 'RGBA').

The swizzle mask change/reorder the vec4 value returned by the texture() function in a GLSL shaders. This is represented by a 4 character string were each character can be:

'1' GL_ONE


# Alpha channel will always return 1.0
texture.swizzle = 'RGB1'

# Only return the red component. The rest is masked to 0.0
texture.swizzle = 'R000'

# Reverse the components
texture.swizzle = 'ABGR'


TextureArray.anisotropy: float#

Number of samples for anisotropic filtering (Default 1.0).

The value will be clamped in range 1.0 and ctx.max_anisotropy.

Any value greater than 1.0 counts as a use of anisotropic filtering:

# Disable anisotropic filtering
texture.anisotropy = 1.0

# Enable anisotropic filtering suggesting 16 samples as a maximum
texture.anisotropy = 16.0


TextureArray.width: int#

The width of the texture array.



TextureArray.height: int#

The height of the texture array.



TextureArray.layers: int#

The number of layers of the texture array.



TextureArray.size: tuple#

The size of the texture array.



TextureArray.dtype: str#

Data type.



TextureArray.components: int#

The number of components of the texture array.



TextureArray.glo: int#

The internal OpenGL object.

This values is provided for debug purposes only.



TextureArray.mglo: Any#

Internal representation for debug purposes only.

TextureArray.extra: Any#

Any - Attribute for storing user defined objects

TextureArray.ctx: moderngl.Context#

The context this object belongs to